Serbian medieval cities in literature
Serbian medieval cities have been a prominent theme in literature, spanning from ancient folk epic songs, tales, and legends to the creations of modern authors. This page, symbolically titled “INSPIRATION”, aims to showcase some of these literary works through accompanying photographs. Just as these “white” cities, along with their valiant lords and the significant events that transpired within them, have inspired both renowned and lesser-known poets and writers, they have also inspired me as a photographer to capture their essence through “light creation”. By merging the realms of literature and photography, I aspire to provide a wellspring of new inspiration for artists across various disciplines, while also igniting the imagination of every visitor to this site.
Smederevo Fortress
The earliest documented Serbian epic poem, titled “The eagle soared over the town of Smederevo,” narrates the imprisonment of Sibinjanin Janko (Janos Hunjadija) within the Smederevo fortress. He was detained by Despot Djuradj Brankovic to secure the war indemnity owed by Janko’s forces following their return from the 1448 battle in Kosovo. This poem was transcribed by the Italian poet Rogeri de Pacienza di Nardo in 1497, in the small town of Gioia del Colle, located near Bari. He recorded the verses while listening to the songs of Serbian refugees who had fled the despotate after its conquest by the Turks and had subsequently settled in southern Italy. Further information can be found at the following link.
Орао се вијаше над градом Смедеревом
Орао се вијаше над градом Смедеровом.
Ниткоре не ћаше с њиме говорити,
Него Јанко војвода говораше из тамнице:
“Молим ти се, орле, сиди мало ниже
(Сиди мало ниже) да с тобоме проговору.
Богом те брата јимају, пођи до смедеревске господе
Да с’ моле славному деспоту да м’ отпусти
(Да м’ отпусти’) из тамнице смедеревске.
И ако ми Бог поможе и славни деспот пусти
из тамнице смедеревске,
Ја те ћу напитати чрвене крвце туречке,
Белога тела витешкога.

ABOVE: The upper level of the Small Town of the Smederevo Fortress

ABOVE: Under the walls of the Smederevo fortress